Investor Databases
Gain Access to up to 29,000 Contact Details for over 13,700 Investment firms.
Our Databases offer a collection of inclusive contact details for over 13,700 investment firms and contain over 29,000 contacts from around the globe; and, they are constantly being updated by our team of researchers. We have the primary email address of 99.75% of contacts, and 61.5% of our list has a secondary email address.
Our Business Intelligence Algorithm segments the Investor's area of interest in a comma-delimited order so you can easily search and filter the information.
Our Investor Databases include the following data:
Name of the Firm
Contacts Associated Job Titles
Contact Phone Number
Email Address (99% of contacts)
Fax Number Firm
Address that can be sorted by Country, City, State, or Zip Code
Investment area of interest
Company History
Website URL
LinkedIn Profile Information
Assets Under Management (AUM)
And More